Download FREE PDF Shipping Container Drawings now from Conex Depot.
What is a Shipping Container Technical Drawing?
A shipping container technical drawing is a detailed and accurate drawing showing the exact measurements of a Conex container. The drawing is made to scale and shows various angles and views such as the doors, end, sides and top of the container. The drawing also shows the dimensions and position of the equipment fitting to the shipping container such as the locking rods and air vents.
What is a Shipping Container Technical Drawing used for?
Shipping container technical drawings are used by architects and engineers to communicate information to people on a building or construction project. The drawings are particularly useful as a reference material when measurements are required, since the drawings are made to scale. Technical drawings are continually referenced during a construction project from the initial planning right through until the completion of the project.
What is included in a Shipping Container Technical Drawing?
Internal and external width measurements and dimensions are a key part of shipping container technical drawings. Door opening widths, heights, gauge thickness of the steel, the position of components such as lashing points, the types of materials used, such as Corten steel and galvanized locking components. The drawing will also show both the tare and gross weight capacity together with a reference number and the name of the person or company who designed and authorized the drawing.
What types of Shipping Container Technical Drawings are available?
Shipping container structural drawings, CAD drawings, fabrication drawings and engineering drawings are essentially the same. They all show detailed measurements of an intermodal shipping container and the related components. Conex Depot provides FREE download of shipping container technical drawings in the following sizes and configurations: